Tuesday, August 31, 2010

His Cheeseburger

Just the other day, I was reading this. It's about some guy reading the twilight series. Well anyways, he compared Bella to a cheesebuger. He asked why would you want to go out with food? It's like going out with a cheesebuger. I decided that this was Edwards song.


Connection to Twilight:
Bella is the cheesebuger.
Edward waits overnight for her.
Edward can't "have" Bella at first.
It's a love song to his food.

1st day of school

Today was the first day of school at Xavier Charter School. What can I really say about it? School is the evil which ends summer, but at the same time it is a place where you can have fun with your friends and make memories that'll last forever. Most of us only show up because our friends are there.

Today was not an exceptionally bad first day, but I somehow I know that I will forget it in a not-so-long period of time, because it wasn't exceptionally good either. There were no stolen lockers, no moments of extreme klutziness, and I actually had people to talk to. Maybe one day I'll tell you my first day of school horror stories, and to be honest they aren't all that scary just embarrassing for me.
AT school we have guilds. I know what your thinking, "Guilds?" I thought that too, but as my second thought not my first. My first was, "Positively Medieval!" Our guilds are pretty much just our group or team, so I don;t know why they didn't just call them that. It seems so much simpler, but at school we do things the hard way.

For example there wasn't a microphone in the assembly thing so it made it really hard to pay attention. I only knew about half of the things that were being said. So instead of guessing what the teachers were saying by their gestures, because I couldn't really hear what was going on, I had an internal conversation that went something like this:
"Can anybody hear?"
"I don't think so."
"I should have painted my nails."
"Why? Nobody cares."
"I care."
"My point exactly."
"I like converse."
---I look around
"A lot of people like converse."
"So what does that make me?"
---I look around some more
"Why do people wear white? Don't they know it'll just get really dirty fast?"
"I guess not."
"Oh everybody's clapping."
---I clap
"There's been an attack on the world...by funny shaped rubber bands!!!!!"
"They've taken over!!!"
"They're everywhere!!!"
---more clapping

Isn't it funny how you look at certain people and you decided they annoy you. All you have to do is look at them. The way they dress hollers, "Look at me!" The way they stand screams, "I'm so hot!" They way they sit yells, "I'm too cool!" They way they talk shouts, "I'm so smart!" For some reason you can't stand them. I've done this before and I still do it now. Everybody does it. I am ashamed, but at least I've gotten over some of these annoying people I never talked to. After a while, I became friends with these people. They still annoy me from time to time, but I like them anyways. Then there are those people who talk to you like you are the scum of the earth, and you are not worthy for their effort of talking to you. There are also those people who look at you and you can tell that they are thinking ,"I'm prettier than you!!! NA NA NA NA NA!!!" I met some of those people today. What do I do in return? I laugh and think, "You are soooooo much cooler than me even though I am an upperclassmen, and therfore higher on the social ladder."
This ever happen to you?
P.S. Random Question:
Anybody know what it means when a cat bites themself?

Monday, August 30, 2010

This is...

Have you ever wanted to do something? You're probably rolling your eyes at the computer screen and thinking that was a really dumb question. It was supposed to be a rhetorical question. You don't actually have to answer it. I have always wanted to be quoted. I want to be one of those people that everybody has heard their name, but doesn't actually know what they did. If you go to Xavier Charter School, you know those sometimes ridiculous quotes we must learn? I want people to have to learn something I said. I want people to talk about something I said. I want to say something and actually have people think it's important.

We all like watching movies with characters that are smart, spunky, sarcastic, and satirical. Some of us even like to read books with characters like that. In general, we all like people like that; we think they are amusing. I was reading a book with a character like that. (Yes, I actually like to read.) The book read like a journal or diary, but all I could think of was that it was too perfect to be an actual journal or dairy. Any of the attempts I have made at either sound weirder and make a lot less sense than a Dr. Seuss book.

Not too long ago I stumbled across a blog. It was a great blog. The person who wrote it had the qualities that people find amusing. I decided that I write a blog. I can sound smart, spunky, sarcastic, and satirical (well...at least sometimes I can). I don't want an emotional diary like blog where every other comment is "woe is me" or "I wish so-and-so would notice me". No, I want want to wrote something funny or wise about life in general.

This is my Commentary on Life.